Posts Tagged ‘Buddhist events’

Opening of the art exhibition “Space of Color and Light”

Elista Art

On October 3, 2024, at 16:00, in the exotic southern city of Elista, the capital of the mysterious Kalmykia, in the “Blue Hall” of the National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia named after N. Palmov, the opening of a personal art exhibition of Delgr Sangadzhieva entitled “Space of Color and Light” will take place, Read the rest of this entry »

June 4, 2023 is declared a National holiday “Birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha

Buddha's Birthday In Kalmykia, June 4, 2023 is declared a National holiday “Birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha.

The corresponding official decree was signed by the head of Kalmykia Batu Khasikov. Read the rest of this entry »

Decree on declaring May 26, 2021, the National holiday “Birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni”!

Buddha's Birthday Decree on declaring May 26, 2021, the National holiday “Birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni”!

In accordance with part 7 of article 4 Read the rest of this entry »

Solemn events in the Buddhist center in September

6 and 7 of September in Elista city:

Solemn events in the Buddhist center near Stupa of Enlightenment! Read the rest of this entry »


Republic of Kalmykia is the only Buddhist region in Europe. Descendants of the Great Nomads live here.

Kalmykia is a unique region, an area of vast steppes and deserts in Europe.

In old times the Great Silk Way was here, the hordes of the ancient Scythians, Huns, Sarmats roamed in these steppes and Khazars built towns here.

Nowadays the shortest automobile, railway and air routes connecting the Caucasus with Nizhnee Povolzhje and the central Russia run through this territory.

Eastern boundary of Kalmykia are washed by the Caspian Sea, and the great Russian river Volga flows through territory of Kalmykia. Read the rest of this entry »

The Great Buddhist holiday meet in the central khurul of Kalmykia

Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni 15 lunar day of the holy month Uryus Sar became a real holiday in Kalmykia. In Elista, the celebration began at sunrise.

In the central khurul Republic of Kalmykia “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni” back in the early hours came laity to take a one-day vow of Mahayana. His doctor has given to Buddhist philosophy, Professor Venerable Geshe lharamba Tenzin Dugda.

He talked about how the great sage of the Shakya kind, Siddhartha Gautama, came into this world to tell people the way to liberation. Prince taught that all acquired their spiritual perfection inherent in every living being and every person has tremendous potential to improve. Read the rest of this entry »

March 19 – Day of the phenomenon of miraculous powers of the Buddha Shakyamuni

Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni March 19 at the central khurul Kalmykia’s held a festive prayer service, as this day is celebrated by Buddhists as a special date. On this day, Buddha Shakyamuni brilliantly concluded the discussion with representatives of the false teachings and to demonstrate their wonderful hit.

– Our teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha – one of the thousand Buddhas of this eon. (Aeon – a period that lasts for many years). On our continent it – the fourth. After many thousands of years expected arrival on our land fifth Buddha Maitreya. Buddha is always seeking for the good of beings wandering in the cycle of life. Every hour and every minute they create unlimited blessing for all life on Earth – says Ph.D., professor of venerable Lobsang Gyatso. Read the rest of this entry »