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Амар мэнд үү? Халимаг улсын ахан дүүст энэ өдрийн мэндийг хүргье. Монгол улсаас захидал бичиж байна. Намайг Жавхланбаяр гэдэг. Би 35 настай. Танай цахим хуудаар дамжуулж халимаг залуучуудтай танилцах хүсэлтэй байна.
I like very much of your country
Dears friends
I hope everything is well in your exeptional country
Years ago I had the chance to read a text , it was a traduction of the basis of your republique´philosophie , equivalent of the Constitution or charter text , nations use to have .
it was so wonderfull and extremly wise that I think it could be a model for the world .
I tried to find it back but I can´t , so please could you help me ?
Thank you very much , and please receive my best wishes of peace , prosperity and happyness for your country and your people , in these agitated world´s times .
In other hand ,I would like to contact with the community called “jews of mountains” living in Kalmykia ,if you could tell me in what area they are living , and if they have a mail adress .
ps: if you don´t have this text please give me any contact for find it