Posts Tagged ‘Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia’

Blood purification machine helps cure patients with COVID-19

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia Medical care in Kalmykia

The P.P. Zhemchuyev Republican Hospital has received a blood purification machine, Plasauto sigma, in 2019. P.P. Zhemchuyev received a blood purification machine “Plasauto sigma” in 2019. Read the rest of this entry »

Operational information on the situation with COVID-19 on May 25

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia, a total of 903 people are infected. Read the rest of this entry »

Operational information on the situation with COVID-19 on May 16

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia, a total of 693 people are infected. The daily increase was 38 people. Read the rest of this entry »

Operational information on the situation with COVID-19

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia Operational information on the situation with COVID-19 on May 11

According to the Ministry of Health, as of May 11, 498 people were infected in the republic. 4 new cases were revealed per day. Read the rest of this entry »

Doctor from Switzerland held a reception

Angiograph Medicine in Russia and Kalmykia: Doctor from Switzerland held a reception

The well-known doctor, the seventh in the world on citation, the pediatric surgeon Mayr Johannes on Wednesday conducted a series of consultations at the Republican Children’s Medical Center. Read the rest of this entry »

In the hospital an angiograph was repaired

Angiograph Medicine [ De | Ru | Es | It | Fr ]

In the hospital an angiograph was repaired

After a complex repair, an angiographic complex was put into operation in the regional vascular center of the Republican Hospital named after Zhemchuev. On an angiograph, all types of X-ray endovascular interventions on coronary and peripheral vessels can be performed promptly. Read the rest of this entry »

Fluorography, electrocardiography, mammography, blood test for cholesterol

Nurses Fluorography, electrocardiography, mammography, blood test for cholesterol

March 12 Free!

You can go through fluorography, electrocardiography, mammography, take a blood test for cholesterol, sugar, and get advice from specialists – a gynecologist, a therapist, an ophthalmologist, Read the rest of this entry »

The average salary of doctors is about 452 euros

Ministry of Health The average salary of doctors

Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia Galina Dinkieva reported: The average salary of doctors in Kalmykia is 30521 rubles per month.

At the current exchange rate Read the rest of this entry »

The average salary of nurses is about 270 euros

Nurses The average salary of nurses
[ De | Es | It | Fr ]

Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Kalmykia Khongor Mutyanov reported: The average salary of nurses in the Republican hospital of Kalmykia is 18239 rubles per month.

At the current exchange rate Read the rest of this entry »