Posts Tagged ‘Travel to Russia’

Russia has introduced a new e-visa system for 52 countries

Wind station in Russia Innovative technologies

New e-visa system

To revive tourism, Russia has introduced a new e-visa system for 52 countries, including many European ones. From the start of 2021 you can get a 16-day visa online for $40 with no invitation required. Read the rest of this entry »

Deutsche Welle Video: Europe’s Only Buddhist Country

Deutsche Welle New video
about Kalmykia, buddhism and steppe.

Deutsche Welle: Europe’s Only Buddhist Country | Welcome to Kalmykia | Europe to The Maxx

Video duration 16m 14s

Travel to Russia and Kalmykia

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Foreign tourists can bring a profit of 15 billion

Nomad camp Foreign tourists can bring a profit of 15 billion

The government plans to increase revenues from receiving foreign tourists by 1.7 times by 2024. Read the rest of this entry »

Opinions of travelers about Kalmykia

Kalmykia Larisa (November, 2009): Actually, Kalmykia, I think, a real paradise for tourists. Many opportunities for practically all kinds of activities.

We are especially impressed with their originality capital of Kalmykia – Elista. In contrast to the cities of Central Russia, Elista completely impregnated with religious culture. Read the rest of this entry »

Australian teacher writes a book about Kalmykia

Unicorn Chess, Buddhism and saigas are what brought a teacher from Australia to Kalmykia. Justin Corfield is not the first time in the steppe republic. And each of his visits is a celebration of the soul for him, the foreigner admits. Read the rest of this entry »

The trip to Kalmykia was very exciting and interesting

Kalmykia The trip was very exciting and interesting. I never thought that such an unusual city as Elista is so close to Volgograd. Elista is different from all the cities in the country by its eastern atmosphere. As if you find yourself in the eastern dragon tale with pagodas …

In general, Kalmykia, I think, a real paradise for tourists. There are many opportunities for almost any type of vacation.

We were particularly impressed by their originality capital of Kalmykia – Elista. Unlike the cities of Central Russia, Elista is fully saturated with religious culture. Wherever I look – everywhere there are elements of Buddhism. Read the rest of this entry »

Story of a tourist from Germany

Bicycle trip Stephan Werner. Story of a tourist from Germany

2012-05-03 > 142km. 412hm / sunny 27°C – 32°C / Ø18km/h / pedaling time 8:00hrs / elevation 133m, today passed 1000km mark since Simferopol (day 9) For some unknown reason, this morning I received a lot of gifts, whenever I stopped to ask for directions or just looking at things, mostly women gave me apples or sweets and wished me a safe trip. Russians are truly very friendly people.
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Famous russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov will travel along the Silk Road by camel

Fedor Konyukhov Famous russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov will travel along the Silk Road by camel.

Fyodor Konyukhov collected in 2009, an expedition by camel along the Silk Road, reports KalmykiaNews.

The journey will be timed the 400th anniversary of the entry of Kalmykia in Russia.

Journey begins in Kalmykia, his route will pass Read the rest of this entry »