Posts Tagged ‘Saratov’

Summer Country Sport Games in Elista

Summer Today residents of rural districts of Elista take part in regional Summer Country Sport Games. The program consists of arm wrestling, volleyball, kettlebell lifting, track and field athletics, ping pong, sport family competition and tugging war.

According to up-coming results, the regional team of the Republic of Kalmykia Read the rest of this entry »

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov congratulated the birthday of Buddha

Celebrating a birthday, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha Sakyamuni parinirvana in Elista, resulted in an unforgettable celebration in honor of the three signs of Teachers. His magnificently celebrated in many Buddhist countries. Since 2000, this holiday is officially included in the calendar of UNESCO.

Congratulated the residents and visitors with a bright celebration of Kalmykia Republic of Kalmykia President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Key in his speech became a phrase: “We pray that His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama arrived in Elista in September after the Beijing Olympics.” Among the VIP-persons present at the ritual service, was a famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov. Making the circuit around statues of the Buddha, he made three bows are Buddhist. Now he will have a hard task – to walk in the footsteps Oirats from China to Russia. Read the rest of this entry »