The Day of the phenomenon miraculous powers of the Buddha Sakyamuni
The Day of the phenomenon miraculous powers of the Buddha Sakyamuni
In the central temple of Kalmyk “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni” at the 15th Lunar New Year’s Day is traditionally held solemn services dedicated to the Buddhist holiday – the Day of the phenomenon miraculous powers of the Buddha Sakyamuni.
These days, from morning till night the monks of the temple read special prayers to mark the festival Tsagaan Sar. During prayers urged all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, advocates teaching and uttered praise to Buddha Shakyamuni. Two and a half thousand years ago He demonstrated the power of teaching, showing miracles. Read texts praising the wonderful deeds of the Buddha Sakyamuni and the great biography of Tsongkhapa, the text of the Prajnaparamita and other prayers to the great masters.
According to Buddhist tradition, in the the first day of the month of Dragon Buddha entered into a dispute with the “infidels six teachers”, to prove the truth of his teaching heretics, and drove him 15 days, ending the brilliant victory.