Regional projects “Cultural Environment”, “Creative People” and “Digital Culture”
Head of Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Kalmykia Khongor Elbikov visited the Ketchenerovsky district of Republic of Kalmykia, reported KalmykiaNews agency.
On March 13, 2019, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Kalmykia, Khongor Elbikov, met with residents of Ketchenery and Chkalovsky, Ketchenerovsky district.
During the meetings, Khongor Elbikov spoke about the implementation of regional projects of the national project “Culture” in the region, about the main directions of implementation of activities in the framework of three regional projects “Cultural Environment”, “Creative People”, and “Digital Culture”.

Also addressed issues related to strengthening the material and technical base of rural cultural institutions, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of rural institutions – houses of culture, the creation of model libraries, the introduction of modern information technologies in the work of institutions, advanced training of cultural workers, etc.
At the end of the meeting, the results of the information day were summed up, the Head of Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Kalmykia Khongor Elbikov thanked the workers of cultural institutions and wished them success in their work.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Kalmykia