Steven Seagal has visited Kalmykia attractions
Steven Seagal has visited Kalmykia attractions [ De | Ru | Es | Fr ]
Professional movie fighter, star of Hollywood – Steven Seagal arrived in Kalmykia, reported KalmykiaNews. One of the major 90 well known movie stars, and its affiliation to Buddhism. And for him, the trip was a kind of pilgrimage. In addition to the numerous titles Seagal added another, an honorary citizen of Kalmykia.
Monks did not dressed for the weather, but according to Buddhist tradition, was asked to provide advance Steven Seagal is the warm welcome.
Responsible monks immediately gave the actor a special white scarf symbolizing the white, that is that is to say successful road, and have given to drink national kalmyk tea.
Clearly moved by this concern, the American actor began his visit to Blessed Kalmykia with compliments.

Steven Seagal, the actor: “I am extremely pleased that in Kalmykia paid special attention to the Buddhist culture and Buddhist teachings. Here temples are built for people who want to live in harmony, in accordance with the principles of Buddhism.”
Attractions in Elista, the capital of Kalmykia, as it turned out, even more than it seems at first glance. Steven Seagal has agreed to explore them all.

The President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov took first guest on the Avenue of Ostap Bender, and then showed his pride Chess town. He suggested the actor to play blitz game. President of the International Chess Federation, almost immediately after the first course of E2-E4 generously gave Steven Seagal, owner of the seventh dan in aikido.
The list of interesting places Elista, notable actor, suddenly hit the city supermarket. Cursory examination of department of alcoholic beverages, Steven Seagal lingered at the window with the sausage, and offered him a bewildered salesgirl something to recommend.
Seeing a Hollywood star, buyers together blocked the exit from the supermarket and began to ask Steven Seagal take a picture. Go to the main purpose of his visit to Kalmykia, the largest Buddhist temple in Europe, the actor got noticeably tired.
Unaccustomed to the excitement in the main Buddhist temple of Kalmykia, Tibetan lamas tried to take a philosophical. They graciously listened to the wishes of Steven Seagal to come and pray here alone, gave him a scarf and immediately continued to sink into nirvana. Trying to ignore the reporters surrounding him, the actor has focused on prayer.
Steven Seagal said he intends to closely communicate with the kalmyk monks, but what would a conversation he had previously not consciously thought out.
Steven Seagal, the actor: “I, as a Buddhist, I try to avoid ready-made formulations and not to ask too many questions. I’m trying to say spontaneously”, reported KalmykiaNews.
A martial arts master Kalmyk lively discussion of emotional issues: demonstrating their art Sensei on the mat.
Discovered, that the baggage of his favorite actor is seen guitar fans have even more hope that Steven Seagal necessarily captured in Kalmykia and his favorite kimono.
Translation into English by Lana Tsitelauri