Kalmyk State University
Kalmyk State University [ De ]
Kalmyk State University, founded in 1970, is widely acknowledged as the first state university in the Republic of Kalmykia.
It is a unique higher educational establishment representing Kalmyk ethnic minority in the South of Russia. Its reputation for quality is based on excellence in teaching, research and service to Kalmyk society. Eminent faculty, students and research programs all contribute to KalmSU’s academic fame.
Kalmyk State University was founded in 1970.
The Founder of the University is the Russian Federation.
The first state University in the Republic was founded on the basis of the Kalmyk Pedagogical Institute on January 1, 1970. This event marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of higher education in Kalmykia. Initially, there were only three faculties (Biology, Philology, Physics and Mathematics) and nine departments. Today, the University has 10 faculties including the Institute of Kalmyk Philology and Oriental studies.
Being a major traditional educational institution in the Republic it is preparing students in 24 specialties, in 35 areas of bachelor area training, 13 areas of masters’ training, 14 specialties of secondary vocational education and a number of additional educational programmes.
The teaching staff of the university is highly qualified. Over 80% of teachers have candidates or doctoral degrees. About 8 thousand students are studying in the university at the moment.
Highly qualified teaching staff which consists of 500 lecturers, including 70 doctors, professors, 285 associate professors, 12 academicians and corresponding members of the various academies of sciences of Russia leads educational and research work. Their professionalism, competence, academic achievement, the daily hard work contribute to the prosperity of the university, the success of its graduates. Much attention is paid to the employment of future graduates.
Kalmyk State University (KalmSU) prides itself not only in being a progressive institution but one that plays a role in preserving and developing Kalmyk’s unique culture.
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Institute for Kalmyk Philology and Oriental Studies
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
Faculty of Professional Education
Faculty of Educational Education and Biology
Faculty of Pre-University and Foreigner Education
Faculty of Economics
Welcome to Kalmyk State University!
Welcome to Kalmykia!

For the contribution to fostering a harmoniously developed young people, general cultural and peacemaking activities, preparing specialists for the Republic, the titles of Honorary Professors of Kalmyk State University were awarded to the Dalai Lama ХIV, the Patriarch of Moscow and all of Russia Alexy II, the President K. Ilyumzhinov, the Chairman of the North Caucasus Scientific Center of Higher School Yu. Zhdanov, the national poet D. Kugultinov, the sculptor E. Neizvestny, the Deputy of the State Duma of Russia G. Kulik.
The University is constantly working on expanding the range of specialties and specializations. Since the priority attention is paid to the training of highly qualified specialists for both University departments and the Republic, the University offers the expanded list of specialties of graduate school. Young scientists who have defended their Candidate’s dissertations successfully work within the Republic’s system of science and education.
Over the past 10 years the scientific activity as well as the authority of the university scientists has increased significantly. It is shown not only by their participation in federal, sectoral and regional programs but also by the successful implementation of science grants funded by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Academy of Sciences, and extra-budgetary funds.
The University deeply cooperates with the universities of Buryatia and Mongolia republics whose postgraduate students are defended in the Dissertation Council K.212.305.01 – Languages of foreign countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and aborigines of America and Australia (Mongolian languages) to attain the Candidate of Sciences degree.

The University comprises eight faculties and the Institute of Kalmyk Philology and Oriental Studies. It provides training in 22 specialities of higher professional education, 20 specialities of Bachelor degree, 13 specialities of Master degree, 18 specialities of secondary professional education, a number of programs of supplementary education. Today, around 8,000 students are enrolled in various programs of full-time and part-time education.
Kalmyk State University (KalmSU) campus covers over 75,909 m². and its home to more than 8,000 students from different countries. Kalmyk State University has 7 academic buildings. There is a scientific-experimental farm unit, bases of recreation and practice, a testing field, a mini-farm, a botanic garden, a center of new informational technologies, a house of culture, a sport complex, a scientific library with 6 departments and 7 reference rooms, with total area of 4 500 m² and a book collection of more than 1,000 000 exemplars. Kalmyk State University (KalmSU) dormitories accommodate 1,300 students. There is a preventive health resort for 75 rooms, 7 dining rooms for 500 seats.

Elista, Republic of Kalmykia

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