The rites near the Sacred Lone Tree
In the Republic of Kalmykia, 28 of May from 12.00 to 13.00, near Sacred Lonely tree that is located near the settlement of Khar-Buluk district of Virgin, the monks of the central Buddhist temple “Golden Abode of Buddha” to hold worship the ground – “Gazr Tyaklgn” reports KalmykiaNews.
“For the faithful to take part in this traditional religious event will be organized transport from Elista to the destination and back. Starting from 10.00, and a half hours by bus from the parking lot near the central khurul from the street named Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
At the end of the ritual “Gazr Tyaklgn” about Lone Tree present will be presented half-hour festive concert program, which will be attended by well-known performers Kalmyk Lidzhi Goriaev, Vitaly Bokov, Adyan Ubushaev and others.
After the concert, the faithful will treat Kalmyk tea and bortsog.

Elista, Republic of Kalmykia