Kalmykia is a pearl of steppe
Topic of my discussion is about me, because I have unusual life story.
My name is Olga. My family is good and successful; my parents brought me up as a kind, helpful and clever girl. At school I always studied hard and my mother took me to different societies: to art school, to the center for talented children for learning English and computer classes, bell dances. To tell the truth, I felt myself as a “blue stocking”, I had no private life and friends, but after finishing school my life abruptly changed.
Suddenly I got into Buddhism’s world. “How had it happened?” – You ask. Every year I traveled with my mother. In the summer of 2005 we visited the only the Republic in the south of Russia: the Republic of Kalmykia. I was never interested in this place and or another religion, but the capital of Kalmykia Elista is a heavenly corner. Its beauty is not its sights, it is people. There is love, but it is not love, when you love me, I love you, but really love – without return.
Kalmyk people we can`t compare with Russian, it is like sky and land. At first you never hear rude words addressed to you, if you need help, Kalmyk people will not only tell you, but if it is necessary they show you what you are searching for. These people are openhearted, honest and decent.

Before starting university I still had one year, but I had to decide what profession I would choose. Coming to Kalmyk State University to different departments I read about chief “Regionovedenie”, where students can learn Chinese.
Without thinking I decided to stay here.
Now five years have passed how I had lived in Kalmykia. For this time I have changed significantly outwardly and inwardly. Using my work I tried to achieve recognition and respect in society. I completely broke off with my parents. In my photo album you don`t find anyone`s school photos, in “kontacte.ru” I maintain relationships only with Kalmyk people and people from Kalmykia. I said “no” to my classmates and friends from my “native town”.
Dorm number 1 KSU is my second home. Here I have just begun to show my talents: I was head sector of culture lots of work and editorial board, and then I became president of the dorm. At university with my excellent studies I began to write articles for the newspaper “Kalmyk University”, became leader and head of my class. Then I signed up by for correspondence to the university`s TV studio “Pelicon”.
Though I was very tired, but I liked to be useful and help people. In the dorm I remembered my old hobby – Indian dances. I showed off not only in the dorm hall, but inthe stage of the Palace culture of KSU. After working in the newspaper as an out-of-staff correspondent for one year, I was taken officially, with the labor book. Because all time I was busy and I didn`t notice how time had passed. All this public work helped me to get free, I am not afraid of going to unknown people and asking them something.
In the beginning coming to Kalmykia there were signs that my life would tie up with Mass Media. At the hippodrome we met journalists of local TV and they were very interested in meeting their republic people from other regions. Really, how we were surprised by the beauty and greatness of the Temple of the “Gold Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”, which is the biggest in Europe, pagoda “7 days”, where everybody can play chess on the marmoreal plank or else in City Chess, where the President of Kalmykia meets foreign guests.

That has shaken all of our imaginations. Then I took notice about the impressions in the newspaper “Kalmykia`s news”, and I was surprised that after some time my article was published. I didn`t think that the article of a simple person could be published.
TV and newspapers are two signs, but “God likes threes” and I consider the third sign to be meeting with the President of Kalmykia, Kirsan Nicolaevich Ilumzhinov. It happened by accident while we sat on the bench at the square. Suddenly several cars came to the Government building and people came out it. Looking hard through crowd I recognized Kirsan Nicolaevich and at that time my mother was braver than me. We ran up to him and my mother shook his hand and asked to take a photo. And Kirsan Nicolaevich without being finicky or arrogant told his bodyguard to take a photo of us together.
There is a moment, which I waited for during my studies; it was a half year language practice in China. I achieved this goal, in the unknown country and my classmates showed their other side, but as for Kalmyk people, my opinion about them didn`t change. If Kazakh showed their capriciousness character, Kalmyks persisted in being friendly and harmonious.
In China there were situations, where I needed strange help, I knew to ask Kalmyk people, who helped me.
Returning from Celestial I stopped with zeal to show my activity. Of course, in the dorm though I am not in the student council, but I try to help everybody. Now I work as an out-of-staff correspondent in the republic newspapers. Many people know me, although I don`t know them.
I was interviewed several times on the radio and was asked: why did I decide to stay in Kalmykia? I adopted some Kalmyk customs, didn`t I? Do I like Kalmyk dances and songs? Will I marry a Kalmykman? I answer all these questions positively.
I like Kalmykia and I want to stay here, I have never been disappointed in it. I learned to cook borzogi and Kalmyk tea on the holidays Zool and Zagan Sar, I learned some Kalmyk words, some history of Kalmykia, now I already know, where and what the 13th district of Kalmykia.
I watch with pleasure Kalmykdances and listen to Kalmyk songs. I often go to the Temple to cleanse myself.
As for questions about marriage, without thinking I answer I will marry a Kalmyk. The main thing, the man is good and worthy, though he is from Ketchener.
You are probably asking: “What is Ketchener?” In Kalmykia there is a district, where boys have to behave like heroes, who like to fight and who can tempt girls. I met many of them in the dorm and in my opinion justice can be found in even the most inveterate gangster.
They respect me, obey me and I can tell them to bow down to me. I said before that I not only changed inwardly, but I changed my appearance. Every day I go to the gym, to keep fit, I walk proudly and have languishing look. There are secrets women’s charms, which every ketchenerovez make lose his mind.
This is the short story of my life so for doesn’t end here, I would like to stay in Kalmykia, enter into a graduate course, find work and if it’s fate to marry. I am happy here, because I have found a lot of good friends and I don’t feel alone.
Elista, Republic of Kalmykia